Sep 08, 2009 12:19
Labor Day Weekend just keeps getting better and better.
As everyone should know, Labor Day Weekend is Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge Weekend, and of course I am there. This year was even more special. The weekend was basically our (Amanda and I) 11-month anniversary (the 7th being the official day). We drove out to Moses Lake Wednesday night after I got off work. It's where her grandparents live, and if I haven't mentioned it before, they are awesome!
We spend Thursday tubing on the lake and hanging out. Being Pho fans, and her grandparents wanting to try it, we had Pho for dinner at the new vietnamese place there. It was pretty good, but no cream puff.
Friday was load in for Dave!! I pretty much had my own gig half the day loading in the gel frames and setting up COMM for the spotlights and making sure they work. After load in, I went back Moses Lake. Delicious burgers for dinner! We then departed back to the Gorge. Having spotlight all 3 nights, I wanted to be on Dave! I knew I had to have the brightest spotlight to be on Dave, but had no idea which one was the brightest yet. I picked the same position as last year, and low and spot was the brightest!! I GOT DAVE!!!!! A dream gig for me!!
Saturday night, my spotlight didn't want to turn on. Sucky ducky! I didn't get to spot Dave, but I got to enjoy the show with Amanda instead and get paid for it!
And when I got to the Gorge on Sunday, they tell me 3 of the spotlights are down. The one I used, the really dim one, and another. Not good. Anyway, I went up to check it out, 4 worked, and mine was still down. I fiddled around, and after few tries, I SAW LIGHT! Wahoo! Dave was mine again! So I got 5 spots up and running, the 6th one (the really dim one) I have no idea what was wrong with it. So from 3 working to 5 working spotlights, a job well done!
A lot of the new album was played and repeated through the 3 nights, but that was to be expected. #41 was glorious.
Oh Saturday night, it poured rain before the show (also poured Sunday before the show), and after the rain passed, the most GORGE-OUS rainbow came out. A full rainbow! I've never seen one before! and a second one started forming as well!
I got enjoy all 3 shows with my babers, sleep in a wonderful bed in Moses, and spot Dave!!!