(no subject)

Feb 07, 2009 13:45

I feel like it's been way too long since I've made a post, probably because it has been too long.

Months ago I was talking to a coworker about True Blood (I don't why I love that show so much, but I do) and he was telling me how much his girlfriend loved the books. I looked the books up on Amazon and the font used on the covers looked strangely familiar. I thought about it for a minute and then got up to look in a bag of books my mom had given. Sure enough, there were two of the books in that bag.

My mom had originally evacuated to Galveston for Katrina, and while there she stopped and picked up a few of the Southern Vampire Mystery books at a used book store. She read them and thought I might like them, so she passed a couple of them on to me when we all got back to Metairie. Our tastes in genre vary greatly (she a fantasy, dragons, wizards type woman, and I'm more the suspense, murder/mystery type) so I just kind tossed the books aside and forgot about them.

When the cafe opened back up after Gustav, business was so slow and I was bored as all hell, so I brought book one to work with me and read in between helping customers. I was kind of bored with it because the showed book one so closely in dialog, and the season had just ended so everything was still fresh in my mind. It took me a few weeks to get through the book because I was only ready when I didn't have anything else to do at work, so it was early to mid-December by the time I finished it. My mom had given book 1 and 3, so I had to go out and buy book 2. Just like with the first, I only read while bored at work. By the time I finished that book, I was hooked. I started the third book and was so into it that I brought it home to finish it, which I finished on New Years Eve. I didn't have any of the other books, so I found the fourth online and also finished that book on New Years Eve. The next day Wesley went out and bought me the box set as an early birthday present, and I ended up reading the last four books before the weekend was over. Then I downloaded all of the short stories that Charlaine Harris wrote for the series and read all of them. And that Monday, I started reading from book one again.

Business has picked back up since then, so I'm not reading as much during the day as I was before. I doesn't matter though, since I've already read them. I figure at this rate, by the time I get through book eight the ninth will be out and I can dig into that one.

I never would have though of myself as a fan girl towards anything, but sadly, I am when it comes to that damn Sookie Stackhouse. As bad as it is, I rewatched True Blood last weekend, and loved every minute of it. I've even been sucked far enough in to venture into read the dreaded fan fiction, and I hate to admit it but I'm loving every story I read.

But hey, I'd rather be drawn to Southern Vampire Mysteries than to Twilight. WTF, vampires don't sparkle!?

Ever since holidays passed and I made up for the wages lost by being closed 3 days the week of Christmas and 2 the week of New Years, I've been saving my tips. The restaurant was going to close for a week in February for renovations, so I figured I'd use that time to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Turns out they aren't closing the restaurant. But that didn't change my need to have these teeth out, so I talked to management about when it would be best for them to have me take the time off. I'm the only one in the cafe, and there isn't anyone else trained to work in there, so they'd have to figure something out. They came up with one specific day, February 20th. That is the Friday before Mardi Gras, so that would give me the weekend plus that Monday and Tuesday before I had to go back to work. Okay, no problem.

I called my dentist office to set up an appointment and found out that they stopped taking the LA Dental Plan, so rather than $152 per tooth, it would cost me $480 per tooth. Fuck that. I started calling around to other dentist offices, and everyone wanted me to get new xrays, in case my wisdom teeth has grow/shifted/whatever in the 6 months since the last time I got xrays. Well shit, between work and Calvin it was going to be near impossible getting in to a dentist office, and I had 3 weeks until the 20th. After calling a long list of dentists I finally found one that could take me on the weekend, today actually.

So today I went to the dentist, had my xrays, and walked away with an appontment for the 19th. Work is just going to have to figure out what to do about the cafe on the 20th. In the nearly 3 years I've been there I've missed maybe 5-7 days collectively, all with doctors notes. And I've only requested one day off for myself. I missed work for my suspension, but it's not like I wanted to be suspended for a week. So I don't think they have any right to give me shit about this, even though I know they will. Oh well.

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