I'm just waking up for school. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things. I was so baked last night. Damn....... I noticed that there are pictures of rainbow 2005 already so here are some. This is the dog that climbed trees.
http://members.tripod.com/ohhotrod/doghi.jpgWe camped off the blue trail. Here are the signs.
http://members.tripod.com/ohhotrod/mainsign.jpgAnd here is sunset beach. They had a beautiful spot to watch the sunset over the lake.
http://members.tripod.com/ohhotrod/jpgThis guy is trade'n' Bill.
http://members.tripod.com/ohhotrod/traderz.jpgHope you enjoy!
So we had a good time last night. Me, Kim, Leighann, Katie, Ashley, Jewels. Katie told me that Sarah got a bunch of money back on her taxes. Well, la de da.... So glad that I could be of assistance. Grrrrrrrrr. It just bothers me. So glad I'm not being sponged from anymore. It just sucks knowing all the everything you put into someone is just for them. I never really benefited from that relationship. Three years, a townhouse, her car, insurance, glasses, license, the dog, drum class.... Grrrrrrrrr Thank goddess that I couldn't do anymore. While her soul may have been feed, my soul was starving.
I'm sorry, I just had to vent. Looking forward to the future....and making myself happy!