Originally published at
Big Ugly Man Doll. You can comment here or
I know, I was doing the whole Shutdown Countdown thing, but I got furloughed. Luckily, I’ve declared myself essential personnel, and I’ve brought you, yes, no, that’s right - another song. You know the tune. And now look - I sang
the last one. You know you don’t want me to do that again, so I’m asking you to sing this one for us. Post it to YouTube and let me know, and I’ll update this with a link to your version! You know you want to! Come now, sing, and fiddle with me while the Titantic goes down, and Rome burns, and we can mix drinks and metaphors until the sun comes up on the smoking remains of our economy! After all, there’s just a few more hours….
There’s just a few more hours.
That’s all the time we’ve got. A few more hours
Before we go ker-splot.
There are budget deals all over Washington,
and Congress has to track ‘em down in just a few more hours!
We’re gonna default in the morning! Crash bang!
The banks are gonna fail. Pull out the stopper!
Let’s have a whopper! ‘Cause they’ve left us in the lurch this time!
I don’t wanna wake up in the mornin’
I sure don’t wanna watch the news prime time.
Europe, come and kiss us;
Show how you’ll miss us.
‘Cause they’ve left us in the lurch this time!
They’ll take a vote, Roll Call the Floor.
And it will fail, and roll right out the door!
For We’re gonna default in the mornin’
Crash bang! the banks are gonna fail.
Kick out this Congress, Show them the egress;
they’ve left us in the lurch, left us in the lurch,
‘Cause they’ve left us in the lurch this time!
We’re gonna default in the morning
Crash bang! the banks are gonna fail.
Jail ‘em or stone ‘em - vote out and disown them!
They’ve left us in the lurch this time!
I’m gonna sleep in, in the morning!
What’s the point of lookin’ at the time.
The Senate ain’t able, to pass a pay bill,
And they’ve left us in the lurch this time!
Because we’re debtors, they’ll grade us down.
And if we default,
China takes the crown!
For We’re gonna default in the morning!
Crash bang! the banks are gonna fail.
Feather and tar ‘em;
Brand and disbar ‘em! They’ve left us in the lurch,
Left us in the lurch…
‘Cause they’ve left us in the lurch this time!
Starlight is reelin - time to vote now.
Midnight is ticking like a bomb.
The markets are waking…
DC is shaking… Good luck, you fools,
Perhaps you can pass it with aplomb.
No - we’re gonna default in the mornin’
Crash bang! the banks are gonna fail…
One-finger salute ‘em - Then haul off and boot ‘em…
they’ve left us in the lurch, left us in the lurch,
‘Cause they’ve left us in the lurch this time!