Episode Five

Aug 14, 2013 23:08

Warning: Swearing

Anna: *runs up to Tiriel and hugs her*

Tiriel: *surprised*

Caelan: We'll just leave you two to talk this through.

Jonas: Yeah... I guess so...

*both leave the room*

Jonas: Wait- whoah...

Caelan: Savannah?

Savannah: *moves away from Erika* Hello Cale! How did you find the portal?

Caelan: There is no "portal", there are just two different houses which you can access through the bookshelf corridor. Boss seems to be messing with us.

Jonas: *stares at Savannah*

Erika: But why? To what purpose?

Savannah: It was a little suspicious actually, because the cameras in our house were usually turned off.

Caelan: It was, wasn't it? They weren't even filming when Robert drank that huge bottle of cooking oil.

Erika: Ew...

Jonas: *shakes his head and walks to the kitchen*

Jonas: *walks in* Hey, Jack, any idea when the trivia quiz will start?

Jack: Who's that guy?

Jonas: Who knows? Everything is just fucked up in this house, like usual.

Jack: Huh?

Jonas: *mumbles* BigTwin... Should've seen it coming...

Anna: I've been looking for you.

Tiriel: *hugs* I've been looking for you.

Anna: Where have you been?

Tiriel: With my foster family. They were nice, but I felt that I was destined to something more than the small town we lived in.

Anna: Yeah, same here. I ran away four times when I was 14 or 13, but it never went well since my navigation skills are so bad.

Tiriel: *laughs* Then we have something in common!

Anna: Do you want a drink? *grabs a bottle from Jonas's nightstand*

Tiriel: I'd love some, had a rough day. *looks at the camera* It will be so strange to have them watching us all the time...

Anna: *drinks* You know, I'm usually not as comfortable with people as I am with you.

Tiriel: Well, we are bound by blood. *smiles*

Anna: *giggles*

Tiriel: So that handsome guy you were with - who is he?

Anna: Oh, Jonas is my boyfriend. We've been together for half a year. But I don't think he wants me here...

Tiriel: *rolls eyes* I'm sorry if this sounds sexist, but guys are assholes sometimes.

Anna: *sips* Indeed.

Tiriel: Cheers to newfound sisterhood!

Anna: *giggles* Cheers!

Tiriel: Anna?

Anna: Yes?

Tiriel: I love you.


Anna: I love you too, Tiriel.

Tiriel: *smiles*

Caelan: Hello! My name is Caelan Scott and I'm apparently the new guy here.

Jack: *nods* Nice to meet you. I'm Jack Stevenson.

Kim: And I'm Kim Jansson.

Kim: You don't happen to know where Erika is?

Caelan: She went to take a bath with Savannah, I think.

Kim: Oh...

Caelan: They are really cute together. She looks so happy.

Kim: Yeah. Maybe she is.

Anna: So... How did you know I was in BigTwin?

Tiriel: Oh, I just looked up your name and found your foster family. They gave me some files and then gave me Lily's phone number. The producer of the show, you know. What's up with her, by the way?

Anna: *shrug* I spoke to her a while ago and she seemed fine. Is there something wrong with her?

Tiriel: Nothing is wrong, not at all. She is just very passionate about this. Maybe a little bit too passionate.

Anna: What do you mean?

Tiriel: She seems to make her own life a big priority, almost as if she would do anything - even risk lives - to get what she wants. But well, *laughs* maybe I'm a little paranoid. Maybe she just feels pressured with all the competition between her and Rose.

Anna: Really? She mentioned that when she spoke to you?

Tiriel: Oh no, I just overheard her talking to someone and... Well, there might be more or less participants in this that have a very dark past. Do you know what I mean?

Anna: Dark past?

Tiriel: *laughs* Like I said, maybe it's just me!

Tiriel: *walks in with a big smile* Good afternoon, everyone! I am Tiriel Emmerson, twin to my dear sister Anna. It's nice to meet you all!

Jack: Nice to meet you too! I'm-...

Tiriel: It really is! *grabs arm* Wow, you have really nice muscles! You must be very athletic.

Jack: *smiles* I work out a lot and play sports, so it's not that odd.

Tiriel: Bonjour mademoiselle *kisses on cheek*. Oh my, you have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen! It's so thick and wavy! *whispers in ear* Can I borrow it?

Kim: *blushing* Thank you... I'm Kim by the way.

Tiriel: *winks and laughs*

Caelan: I'm Calean, you can call me Cale...

Tiriel: Oh, my. *touches his lower lip with her finger* Your face is so pretty! And where did you get those gorgeous eyes?

Caelan: Uhm... I was born with them, I suppose.

Tiriel: *lightly touches with her thumb* And those soft, thick lips. I wish I had those! Maybe I'll have plastic surgery. *giggles*

Rudhira: My name is Rudhira. Rudhira M'Zhara.

Tiriel: Beautiful name for a beautiful girl! And you are barely wearing make up either - so natural. And those boots? NEED!

Rudhira: Thank you Tiriel, I like your shoes too. Maybe we should swap some day.

Tiriel: Totally!

Tiriel: And Jonas - where do I even start?! My sister has such a good eye for men! You guys are totally one of those picturesque couples. I can already hear the wedding bells!

Jonas: Yeah... Me too.

Tiriel: I want to be the bridesmaid. *sighs* And name one of your children after me, please!

Boss: Turn on the television, the quiz is starting.



Savannah: This is nice, I really had to relax. That competition, all those new faces... It brings a lot of stress.

Erika: I know. *holds arm over his shoulders* We've earned this.

Savannah: Hey, Erika...?

Erika: Yeah?

Savannah: Why did you choose me? I mean, you have Jonas - the mysterious guy with a lot of issues that need to be solved - and Jack - the hot guy, the irresistable schmoozer with muscles and levels in athlecism that I could never achieve - so why? I'm a huge nerd. Girls don't like guys like me. Is it because you think you can change me so I can become cool?

Erika: Savannah...

Savannah: Yes?

Erika: I "chose" you because of your flaws. You are inappropiate and awkward - but that also makes you honest and funny. You are a nerd and a dork - which just makes you interesting.

Savannah: But you can have so much better.

Erika: Honestly, I've tried dating guys like Jonas and Jack, and everything ended badly. They never treated me well. That's when I stopped looking for all those guys I was expected to like, and followed my own wishes instead. And that lead me to you.

Savannah: I have never had a girlfriend before. This is all new territory to me.

Erika: Don't worry, I will take care of you.

Savannah: Promise?

Erika: *whispers* I promise.


Lÿdia: So then next big question is - how many werewolves are there in BigTwin? Upcoming participants included!

Shira: *fixes microphone* I'm guessing there are no werewolves in BigTwin. Not a single one.

Lÿdia: Well then, let us see what the answer is...

Tiriel: I'll be right back guys, I just need to get a glass of water. Are you coming with me, Anna?

Anna: Nah, I'm all right.

Tiriel: Great, bald zurück.

Tiriel: *walks towards Kim*

Tiriel: Can I have some of that water?

Kim: Sure. *gives Tiriel the bottle*

Tiriel: *puts it away*

Tiriel: I meant what I said, you know. Your hair is beautiful.

Kim: *mumbles* Thank you. Anything else?

Tiriel: Actually, yes...

Tiriel: *whispers* You are beautiful, Kim.

Tiriel: *whispers and moves Kim closer* “And on that cheek, and o'er that brow - so soft, so calm, yet eloquent - the smiles that win, the tints that glow - but tell of days in goodness spent...”

Tiriel: “A mind at peace with all below, a heart whose love is innocent.”

Kim: *slowly walks backwards*

Tiriel: *walks away*


Kim: I'm not sure how to react to that... Nobody has really flirted with me like that before. This is probably something Boss would encourage to "make me more interesting"...

Kim: I don't want to use other people's emotions to get what I want...

Anna: Hey, Tiriel, the show is over.

Tiriel: Great, maybe we should take a bath then! I'd love to try out those jacuzzis.

Anna: Tiriel...

Tiriel: What is it, my dear sister?

Anna: Are we going to compete against each other? I mean, we can't possibly both win.

Tiriel: Of course we are not going to do that, Anna! We are both going to win, trust me.

Anna: How?

Tiriel: I will convince them to put our points together. We are a team, right? No, better than that, we are family. There is no way I will let them divide us. And we will win fair and square.

Anna: *laughs* Sounds good to me!

Tiriel: And when we win, we will travel all over the world.

Rudhira: Jonas, are you all right?

Jonas: Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Everything has just fucked itself up and turned upside down... Nothing wrong at all.

Rudhira: Jonas... *puts her arm around his shoulders* Don't worry, everything will be OK. And we are friends, right?

Jonas: You are 13.

Rudhira: I may be 13, but I still have ears to listen and and advice to give. What do you want to do about the Anna situation?

Jonas: Honestly, I...

Jonas: ... I want to be with Anna.

Rudhira: Then be with Anna!

Jonas: But what if Aileen tells her about what happened? Anna is very unforgiving, she would break up with me immediately.

Rudhira: Anna will find out eventually. It's better to be honest with her from the beginning.

Jonas: Then she will leave me and hold a grudge until she finds someone else to fall in love with. You don't understand how Anna works, Rudhira.

Rudhira: What do you mean?

Jonas: Anna is very... Vengeful.

Jonas: People call her "Hera", after some Greek goddess who was very jealous and revengeful.

Rudhira: In what way?

Jonas: Well... I spoke to one of her ex-boyfriends once and he told me that one day after he cheated on her, his house burned down. And the person he cheated on her with was hit by a car and was stuck in a coma for two weeks.

Rudhira: How did the police react to that?

Jonas: Nobody ever saw the driver. The car was stolen and the owner had an alibi. But everyone were very suspicious of Anna.

Rudhira: Did she ever confess?

Jonas: No, she just smiled and denied everything.

Jonas: I don't want to tell her the truth, because then she would leave me, and I don't want that. And...

Jonas: I don't want her to hurt Aileen.


Anna: Smile, Tiriel!

*camera clicks*

Tiriel: Awesome, now I want a picture of you!

Anna: Sure!

Anna: *does the creepiest grimace she can think of*

Tiriel: *giggles* So photogenic, sis!

Anna: Photogenic is just one of my middle names.

Tiriel: What's your other middle name then?

Anna: Fabulous. *blows a kiss to the camera*

Tiriel: *endless giggling* I'm so glad we are sisters!


Jonas: Anna has always wanted a family. It makes me wonder why Tiriel appeared as soon as she was being filmed.

Rudhira: So you think Tiriel might be scamming her?

Jonas: If people are ready to kill for money, then scamming wouldn't be a big deal.

Rudhira: You have way too much drama surrounding you.

Jonas: Well, I'm the one who created it.

Rudhira: Still. Can I borrow some?

Jonas: You can get it for free.

Jonas: Whatever. I'm going to bed.

Rudhira: Sleep tight.

Jonas: *leaves the kitchen*


Erika: I wish we could stay here forever.

Savannah: Mhm.

Erika: How long have we been here? It feels like hours.

Savannah: I don't mind.

Savannah: But we can get up if you want to.

Erika: No. *grabs Savannah and kisses*


Jonas: Hello darling! What are you doing?

Anna: Just taking pictures. *makes a grimace* By the way, there's a note on your bed. It's signed by "Kim".

Jonas: Kim wrote me a note?

Tiriel: Yes, she signed her name with lipstick too. It was pretty cool.

Jonas: Okay... I'll see what it is then.


Rudhira: Sit still, we will never be finished if you guys keep moving.

Kim: Maybe I should add more blue to Caelan's eyes...

Rudhira: I don't know about that, I'd go with white to make them more "silver".

Caelan: *sticks hand through a hole in his coat* Is this what you do in this house?

Jack: No, we usually nearly get killed.

Caelan: Haha...?

Jack: It's not a joke Cale. I'm serious. This is a calm day for us.

Caelan: Unknown twins showing up out of nowhere is normal here?

*door opens*

Jonas: What the FUCK is wrong with you, Kim?!

Kim: Huh?

Jonas: I found your note. You might have won this time - I will do what you asked me to. But you are still a heartless, awful person. What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you do this to her?! WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?!

Kim: ... What?

Jonas: And here's your lipstick back, in case you want to write more threatening notes with it! *throws on the floor and runs out of the room, angry*

Rudhira: What was that?

Kim: I honestly have no idea.


Tiriel: *jumps in* Hellooo, I don't think I've met you guys before!

Savannah: No, you haven't... I'm Savannah, and this is my girlfriend, Erika.

Tiriel: I'm Tiriel Emmerson, new contestant here. *sits back and relaxes* Nice hot tub.

Anna: *jumps in*

Tiriel: So fill us in on all the gossip in this house.

Erika: Pretty sure Savannah and I are the only couple here, so there's not much to say.

Tiriel: Come on, there must be other people around here about to go steady.

Erika: I doubt it. Jack flirts with Kim a lot, but they seem to just be friends.

Savannah: *sighs*


Boss: Congratulations on going through with the blackmail. I knew you had it in you, Goldilocks. This will certainly make the viewers want you more.

Kim: Yes... Except that I didn't do it.

Boss: ... Huh?

Kim: I didn't do it. Someone else wrote that note.

Boss: Are you serious?

Kim: Yes. They wrote my name with red lipstick. I don't even wear red lipstick.

Boss: Who would do such a thing...?


Anna: I'm going to take a shower now.

Tiriel: Okay, come back later sis!

Anna: *smiles*

Anna: *gets out of hot tub*

Tiffany: *low hiss*

Anna: Who the hell are you? Are you spying on us?

Tiffany: *grunts*

Tiriel: Anna, who are you talking to?

Tiffany: *opens the door and runs out*

Anna: Okay...

Erika: WAIT!

Savannah: Calm down, Boss will probably take care of it.

Erika: No, Savannah, you don't understand... That was TIFFANY!

Savannah: ...

Kim: Hi, I'm Kim. What's your name?

Tiffany: *scoff*

Boss: *pats Kim on shoulder* Don't even bother trying, Kim. She is impossible to talk to.

Tiffany: *runs inside the bedroom*

Kim: Why would you say that? She is just scared.

Boss: Kim... Nobody has ever gotten her to speak. She just mumbles, grunts and screams. She might be mute.

Kim: You have never heard her voice?

Boss: No. As I said...

Boss: She doesn't talk to anyone.


Aileen: *walks out of bookshelf* Hey, who are you?

Tiffany: *looks scared*

Erika: *walks inside* Tiffany?

Erika: Are you there, Tiff? Do you remember me?

Tiffany: *stares*

Erika: Hey... I haven't seen you in years. Barely recognized you there. *nervous laugh*

Aileen: Who is that and why is she wearing my dress?

Tiffany: *runs away*

Erika: Was that really necessary?

Aileen: Erika, do you have any idea how expensive that dress is?!

Erika: Weren't you in the hospital just now, recovering from almost dying?

Aileen: Uh, yeah. Does it matter?

Erika: Relax, then. We'll get your dress tomorrow when she has calmed down.

Aileen: That dress is mine, and I need it!

Erika: What for?

Aileen: ... Nothing.

Erika: Then go sleep, please. You need it.


Tiriel: Hi Kim... *embraces*

Kim: Please, stop it.

Tiriel: Oh... *pulls away*

Tiriel: I'm sorry, you are just so... *whispers* beautiful.

Kim: *low voice* It's not personal, I just like someone else.

Tiriel: It's Jack, isn't it?

Kim: It doesn't matter who it is.

Tiriel: I understand, dear. Don't worry, I will leave you alone if it really is what you wish.

Tiriel: *kisses on cheek* You are the cutest.

Kim: *confused*


Kim: A part of me keeps thinking that maybe I should have taken the chance, like I briefly considered to do with Jack. But I can't force myself to love someone that I don't. We can't choose who we fall in love with - it just happens.

Kim: And sometimes we are unlucky and it's not reciprocated...

Lily: *walking*


Lily: *yells* Hey, Elisa, are you up there?!

*truck door slams open*

Elisa: God damn it, I was going to scare you!

Lily: *laughs* You know me, I'm prepared for anything.

Elisa: *hugs* What do you need this time, love? I'm guessing it's not just tea and biscuits this time. *giggles*

Lily: *hugs back* Oh, I think you already know.

Elisa: *smiling* Let's go inside.


Elisa: So, please tell me this has something to do with bringing Rose down. I'm on board for anything that will do that.

Lily: Well, yes. Sending someone to murder my contestants is a very cowardly move, don't you agree?

Elisa: *nods*

Lily: I won't step down to that level.

Elisa: Huh?

Lily: I will not and do not want you to do anything that would affect her contestants.

Elisa: What?! Then what do you want me to do? Roll my thumbs and hope that the useless law enforcement can come up with something?!

Lily: Of course not. However...

Lily: I want you to do something with my contestants.


Tiffany: *stares*

Everyone: *sleeping*

Tiffany: *stares at Erika*

Tiffany: *sits down in the talkroom couch*

Tiffany: *glares at the camera*

Tiffany: *slow, clear voice* Robert owes Savannah everything, however Aileen said; "Rarely one becomes oil - think Savannah!"

Tiffany: Tiriel has earrings yearned, although Rudhira emerges, howling eerily right east.

Tiffany: *smiles mysteriously* Impossible, kick Nevada out west, why have one?


caelan scott, savannah lichtenstein, tiriel emmerson, aileen yahentz, jonas almquist, jack stevenson, rudhira m'zhara, tiffany autumn, erika marklund, kim jansson, anna green-forks

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