1) King Cold ()
2) Jericon Rax (SLA rpg)
3) Brother (Ars Magica rgp)
4) Brad Blau (Ars Magica rpg)
5) Yarvey Datto (Maelstrom LRP)
6) Priest (Maelstrom LRP)
7) J'anatch (LT larp)
8) Monkey (V:tm RPG)
9) Bably Blue (LT LRP)
10) Jashin Passagem (FnH larp)
11) Project Camelion (DC Heroes rpg)
12) Elzdor Animos (FnH LRP)
1. Who would make a better college professor: 6, or 11?
Priest definatly, as he actauly would tell people the truth, Cam just looked after himself
2. Do you think 2 is hot? How hot?
i see Rax as looking like johney dep under all his armour and helmets.....so yeah quite hot
3. 12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?
probly to find his uncle.......and not all that well seeing as his uncle is a god, and Monkey is a Vampire
4. What is, or would be, 9's favourite book?
something wich pictures......he/she/it cant read
5. Would it make more sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6, or the other way around?
2 to 6 definatly, priest isnt much of a follower, while Rax will do anything if it can help him in some way
6. For some reason, 5 is looking for a room-mate. Should they share a studio apartment with 9, or 10?
now thats a hard one, but probly 10, as they could equaly annoy each other
7. 2, 7, and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?
a back street tavern.....and convosation along the lines of how much they are gonna kick off if any one comments on the pyjamas Elzdors wearing
8. 3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens?
a lot of pozing, then balls of power flying at each other. although brother would probly win.
9. If 1 stole 8's most precious possession, how would they get it back?
kill every memeber of 1s family untill he gave it back, if that didnt work get his friends to crash EMP his house and black out the area.
10. Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire.
"the truth about the gods"
11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together?
probly an "older" memeber of there family needs help.
12. If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?
ish but i would get bored very quickly as he is "too helpful"
13. If you could command 3 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?
create a little contstuct pet.
14. Does anyone on your friends list resemble 11 (either in appearance or personality)?
not that i can think of
15. If 2 had to choose sides between 4 and 5, which would it be?
5, as 5 can alter minds.
16. What might 10 shout while charging into battle?
"oi merc get infront of me"
17. If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose?
"NIN - closer"
18. 1, 6, and 12 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is onlyone scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time.Who gets to eat it?
6 more than likly as the others would jump back if they realised he wanted it.
19. What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?
"wanna go kill some thing?!
20. What would 5 most likely be arrested for?
21. What is 6's secret?
he actualy caires about people
22. If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first?
Cam would, as Baby Blue would notice something shiney and forget about the destination
23. If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?
8 definatly........cos if the worst happends hes good to have around
24. 1 and 9 reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4's sinister secret organization. 11 volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he/she is actually a spy for 4. Meanwhile, 4 has kidnapped 12 in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5, they seek out 3, who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this fic?
"the worlds falling to bits"