elegante application.

Jul 10, 2010 02:42

Your Name: Carlee
Age: too old for this, aka 24.
Username: yourlivewire
Email: seemssosurreal@hotmail.com
IM: this pink ribbon

Character Name: Megara
Series: Disney's Hercules
Timeline: Right as Hercules is about to go fight the Cyclops in spite of Hades having taken his strength, which he gave up to keep her safe, not knowing that she'd been working for Hades. Sob.

Background: Megara was born and raised in the city of Thebes in Ancient Greece. She's been dealt a pretty rough hand in life - her ex-boyfriend was killed in an accident and, desperate to save his life, she made a deal with Hades, the God of Death - her soul for his life. He was brought back to life and all was well, up until until he ran off with some other girl not too long after Meg made her deal. Meg was, understandably, devastated, and the experience left her bitter, cynical, and mistrustful of the entire male gender.

So meeting someone like Hercules (who saved her from a river guardian she was trying to persuade to join forces with Hades for his upcoming hostile takeover of Mount Olympus - said river guardian was more interested in Meg than working with Hades), who was earnest, kind, and sweet, threw her for a bit of a loop. She was pretty skeptical of his "big, innocent farmboy routine", but, after being ordered to lure him into a trap by Hades, was impressed to see that he had what it took to fight off monsters and work through a bad situation and genuinely wanted to help, and was relieved that Hades' trap failed to kill him. And that they kept failing to kill him.

As the date of Hades' impending hostile takeover drew nearer and his attempts to take him down continued to fail, Hades ordered Meg to find Hercules's weakness. She refused at first, saying she'd already done her part and didn't want to get involved any further, but Hades knew how to play her and offered her her freedom in exchange for the answer of how to bring Hercules down. The next day, Meg went to see Hercules and the two spent the day together, getting to know each other better, and she started to realize she was falling for him in spite of her reluctance to get involved with someone and possibly get herself hurt again. After Hercules left, Hades appeared, demanding to know what the weakness was, but Meg refused to help him anymore, not wanting to hurt him, and told Hades that there was no weakness to exploit. Unfortunately, Hades had figured it out on his own - Hercules's weakness was her.

Spoken / written languages: English and Greek.

Abilities: Meg is human, so she has no supernatural abilities. However, she's a very attractive young woman and she's learned to use what she has to her advantage, so she's very good at being persuasive and getting people to do what she (or others) want. She's also very street smart and quick-witted.

Items: None, she travels light.

Third Person Sample: (300 words or more. Can be any situation!)

First Person Sample:

Wait! STOP!

[ muttered: ] This is all my fault. I can't let him fight, I can't let him die. I have to make this right, somehow -

[ the voice is obviously distressed, and it's accompanied by running footsteps, which quickly come to a stop as meg realizes she's no longer at the steps of the stadium, facing the city of thebes. she has no clue where she is now. ]

This can't - no.

[ and the voice quickly turns to anger and raises to a shout - which, you can't see, is directed towards the sky. ]

Haven't you done enough damage? You already got what you wanted from both of us, send me back.

[ when no reply comes and she's not sent back to where she came from, she just gets angrier. ]

You don't own me anymore, you can't do this. I -

[ and she stops, having spotted the device on the floor. there's the sound of it being handled a bit clumsily, and then the voice gets a whole lot closer as meg speaks into it. ]

What is this thing? Where am I?

Preferred Quarters: As far away from Hades as possible, and preferably not on one of the higher decks. Other than that, I'm open to wherever. :)

