Jun 05, 2006 01:10
I had a weekend.
this weekend.
On thursday I got my motorcycle license!
I kind of messed up.
If I was an instructor for the test
and I was in my right mind
I would have failed me.
I don't know how I got it, but I guess that's the way God wanted it.
Hey, I mean. I'm not complaining.
It's allsome.
Now I need to learn how to ride my motorcycle.
after getting the license
who would have thought?
I haven't been feeling drained as much from my super 18 hour day lately
I've been asking God to give me his strength before that day, and as we all know!
he's faithful.
Saturday was still kind of rough though.
When I went to work at Domino's,
halfway through the day
the window lining on the my window bunched up, and I just didn't know what was going on
and I got mad
and then I had to take my whole door apart
and get black goop on my hands from the door
and cut my finger open
The operation was a success though.
I got really angry, but I prayed while doing it, and God helped me calm down.
Then this guy at work
who if I didn't know Jesus
would have squirted hot butta in his eyes already
kept calling me an idiot under his breath
and talking about me
and throwing boxes I placed on the make line on the floor
because he's dislexic.
And can't read them them if they're upside down.
I wanted to shut him down so many times
But I know it isn't right.
I kept asking for help from God to keep quiet
because I enjoy telling people like it is so thoroughly
But that still doesn't make it right
And he helped me.
I kept my
And that in addition to being tired just makes one insane.
I hung out with Alan and Mike F and D. Ducane tonight.
A bunch of good guys.
We watched videos from about 5 years ago.
When Alan had a pre pubescent voice
and I
still sound the same
and look the same.
It was fun.
I've also been asking God where he wants me to go next in my life.
He answers so many of my prayers.
He showed me to come back here and go to school at Lincoln and I'm very happy there.
But I still feel like there's something else he has.
I've always had a feeling like there was something greater for me.
I've also felt I really need to start sharing him with people.
I just can't find a way to get through to people without it coming out the wrong way, or some unattractive way.
The christian life is very attractive to those who understand it, and a lot of people who don't believe in him have just been shown some corrupt unhappy life, where it's all about doing, going to church, etc
I need his words, and it's hard to be firm about it when your friends that you're sharing God with are the most vulgar people on the earth haha
They're not happy with life, but feel no will to change it.
I suppose it's just me and I'm worried about losing good people, and not having another chance to share with them.
I know not many people read my journal, but if you do, pray that God'll give me a chance to share him with my friends, and that he'll show me what it is or where I need to go next.
ty ty