Feb 19, 2006 18:12
blah blah blah...
Like I told Jake yesterday... "I'm in a mood. Not a good mood, but not a bad mood. Just a mood." He responded, "Maybe you're hungry..." Maybe I was...
In this moody state that I'm in I have had a lot of time to think because I have felt very introvert and sleepy...
Some thoughts:
Has someone with a form ever asked you to initial one section and sign another? Why my entire signature over here but just initials over there? I’ve already got the pen in my hand - let me just polish off those seven other letters. Maybe initialing is reserved for the shit that companies only wish you’d do. It’s like, “By signing here, you agree not to sue us. But by initialing here, you promise not to tell anyone we suck, OK?”
I’ve become a bit of an ellipsis whore when I send texts. I just can’t resist... putting those three dots... in between all of my thoughts... even where... grammatically inappropriate. And I’ll tell you what my latest weapon is - two dots. People don’t know what the fuck to make of it. Someone will text me and I’ll write back: That’s what you think.. It’s not quite a period, not quite an ellipsis, but it sure is confusing. On the topic of texts... I love text messaging. It really makes my day just that much better. On an average day I will send around 100-150 texts. Mostly to the same people... it's easy because I can have conversations during class and not interupt anyone's learning other than mine. Well that's not true someone once told me that it was distracting... but I really didn't care... I was texting.
This week is going to be semi-hellish but there is a shining light at the end... JILL AND AMELIA are coming and I TURN 21 on FRIDAY!!! Take that to the bank school.. not going break me.
btw: could people stop sucking so much at life... that would be great.