Recently Rob and I were lazing around and discussing what we think are the biggest problems these days, just mapping our way to benevolent world domination.
So "cheap plastic" is a major one, especially here, where they pepper the cities and households and shores like some weird disease. Kadiri! They are everywhere, because they are practically free.
Really, I know people are sort of ashamed at this point to be carrying around bayongs and baskets and reusable bags. But in all objectivity, don't they have way more craftsmanship than these ugly, thin, cheap, shiny testicles dangling from your hands, made all the more pathetic by their inevitable fate? (I know, I know, anything can be beautiful, like that swirling thing in American Beauty, but when the irony wears out, it's just another supot.)
So yes, we all know they're an environmental problem, but the fact is, they also make the world so fugly. Who hasn't had a beach vista marred by a clump of plastic bags filled with even more plastic bags, like Boy Bawang wrappers, smiling Creamsilk girls, etc? Blight!!! Pangit. The bottom line is, they are not such a smart thing to have in your economy.
Fact: There is no way to "get rid" of them but to burn them, in which they are still actually there, in the form of toxic vapors. So really, unless you can recycle them (which you really can't, for most supots), you're creating something that will inevitably end up festering (or refusing to fester) in some landfill or ocean. Does this make sense? How is it even legal to make them?
Suggestion: Everytime you see a plastic thing around, especially a branded one, collect it. Once it you fill a sack, send it back to the company that made it. Get your friends to do this until the corporation has no more space to do any real work. Put them in gift boxes, product delivery boxes, anything to get them past the company security guard. Under the Clean Air Act, they can't burn the stuff. So there! The problem is now real to you, Mr. Designer. Use your creativity to change the way you bring products to us. Kaya mo yan. Wag kang tamad.
monacca of Japan designs products as if "plastic had never been invented".
Bio-based plastics and fibers.
I was actually reminded of this because of the
SF Plastic Bag Ban. The Ban has led to many inquiries on one of my old small business ventures, which I am resurrecting to meet demand.