(no subject)

May 31, 2006 16:35

look, i know what i'm worth in today's market based on what i can do. now, i do have the ability to learn new shit....so that number can (and will) increase over time. depending on the position, there is no reason why i shouldn't be AT LEAST in the $38K-$50K range. i'm much more realistic than some of my counterparts in the tech field who think they should be making $60k+ for help desk/deskside support. however, how the FUCK can a company think they can get away with this bullshit!?!?!?

Knowledge of: IBM AS400 iSeries Server running OS400, RPG Development Language, C++ or Java Development Language, SQL query design, Sybase PowerBuilder Development Environment Graphics and Multimedia development applications, HTML and ASP web development. Installation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of: Computers running the Windows XP and Windows Service 2003 operating systems, WAN, LAN and Wireless LAN technologies, Windows 2003 Exchange Server, Windows 2000 SQL Server, ACT 8.0 (2006), Automated Purchase Order System. Salary is $35-37K ONLY! with full benefits.

$35-$37K for that?!?!?! dude, ummmmmmmm, yeah. good luck trying to find someone who is competent with those technologies to work that job for that pay. you'll be lucky if you can find a half-retarded asshole who'll lie to you for that kind of salary.

as an aside, the job search has continued and i've sent out about 15 resumes (some companies have gotten up to 3 follow up letters from me) and i have not gotten even 1 response. not a "hey, dickey, you suck ass!" or, "sorry, it's been filled".....just nothing. i swear to god, i really think i'm blacklisted somewhere that prevents me from finding gainful employment. does anyone out there know of any decent jobs (that do NOT require security clearance) available in the philadelphia greater metropolitan area?
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