Title: Holy
phantompearlPairing: James/Lucy (implied) Kendall/Lucy (implied), Logan/Camille
Word Count:15314
Warnings: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: A BTR/Final Fantasy crossover, the boys begin an epic adventure to find the lost magic known as Holy.
Notes: Basically, my brain decided to have some fun and write a nice, light, piece about what it would be like if the guys had magic. Also, one of them might be part kitten. >.> There is a cliffhanger, to be continued over at
llblckraindrops. I decided to cut it here rather than have it drag on and on and on and on.... Also, please ignore typos, etc. I proofread it at 4 am, and I KNOW I missed probably everything....
Part One Part TwoArt!