Jul 25, 2004 22:11
well yesterday was totally awesome i went to felicias round 3 n hung out with her n her camp friends all night we had fun cough felicia got drunk cough n it was hilarius =D me felicia leah michelle steph lisa molly hung out round the house then leah left n it continued n then justin gentile came to felicias house later n we hung round...then i left round 11:30ish n came home n just talkd to ppl n then went to bed
this morning i woke up round 11:30? wen the fone rang n it was jwohl n i went to his house round 12:30 n we hung out with jonathon chirkis? (i cant spell) n then michelle calld from felicias n we went there for an hour or so then we got pickd up by justins madre around 4:15ish n went to his gparents house n playd cards n pool n then ate dinner n left round 9:15...they droppd me off n now im home for hte nite just talkin to ppl n music