From Hearsay to Theresay

Sep 01, 2003 20:28

Get it?

Determined not to let this idea die, in the few remaining hours of summer, I looked online at the website to search for string. Well, the Home Depot webpage is currently unavailable. Fuck them then, I'll go to Lowe's. Well, I get to Lowe's and I can't find exactly what it was I needed. So, I'm thinking to myself, "Are there any other hardware stores?"

Ace Hardware. So, I go to and search "twine." I found what it is I need. Unfortunately, I can't buy more than one roll of twine because you can't connect them. If you tie or tape the two together, you'll lose the vibration. No sound. So, I found the largest roll of twine I can find (that's hideously redundant), 1050 feet, much more than we could possibly need. All we have to do now is get $8.95 and take a trip to Ace Hardware.

We're one hardware store excursion and two bowls of Chunky Soup away from making dreams come true.

In back-to-school spirit, here's the word of the day:

ru·big·i·nous \roo-bihj-ih-nehs\ adj. of a rusty red color
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