Okay... in an effort to be more productive, starting today I am going to be posting a daily art thingy that I have produced. It'll be sort of daily. Kind of.
The past few months I've been sketching nearly every day which is great. I feel my powers are GROWING. What I haven't been good at tho, is finishing artwork. I've been just jamming away in the sketchbook but I haven't been revising, I haven't been refining, and I certainly haven't been scanning. Some of you have seen my website, www.geoffreystone.com, and you'll have noticed it hasn't been updated or modified for a year at the least. Well, I actually HAVE been making art during the last year. Quite a bit actually. It's just that all that I've been doing is either A) animation, which I don't know how to deal with on my website B) work that I haven't finished to my satisfaction C) work that I finished but to my dissatisfaction D) stuff that's pretty good, but I just haven't gotten round to scanning or photographing. On top of that, I don't even have a proper website, really. Its basically just a few pictures I drew or painted. No info. No navigation. I kept thinking I'd get around to begging my roommate to help me design and code a decent website for me but I really do hate groveling. And he'd just get uppity. Its a moot point really, since he's in Los Angeles right now doing an internship for Buena Vista Games and that'll make him more than uppity enough. I'm just kidding, Zach.
That is, if he actually reads this.
Does anyone actually read this?
Well, for those of you who are still with me: *poof* Its now a sketchblog. Enjoy.