Just to reinforce a point from
Dan's post from the other day - which, if you don't care to read it, resulted in a discussion about how everyone from the South loves sweet tea, sweet water, sweet V8 and any other drink that shouldn't be sweetened. Here's a map of diabetes prevalence
by state. Everyone knows this, but people from the South are dumb:
Notice how the dark blue areas are the heart of sweet tea country. Apparently drinking fucking hummingbird food with every meal isn't particularly good for you.
Anyway, I probably shouldn't talk too much, as my weight and eating right have been a serious problem for me over the past few years. I wouldn't go as far as to call it an "eating disorder" or anything like that, but I've had some issues over the past few years:
Spring 2002: I break my foot, putting me on the couch for four months. At the same time, my metabolism slows down. Being an idiot, I continue to consume several thousand calories a day despite sitting on my ass. I go from about 185 pounds to almost 230.
Fall 2002-Spring 2003: Healthy again, I play three sports but continue to eat like Johnny Reb in Willy Wonka's factory. (I'm not good at jokes.) Weight hovers around 225-230.
Summer 2003: I decide to put on the freshman 15 before even heading to college, hitting about 240.
Fall 2003-Spring 2005: Ithaca College's dining halls are all-you-can-eat, which is bad. But I'm burning thousands of calories a day rowing and training for rowing, so that's good. Fall back to 215.
Fall 2005-Spring 2006: Here's where things get bad. At this point I get a bit obsessed with weight and fitness. Plus, I was cooking for myself and I'm cheap and I suck at cooking. Basically, I didn't eat much and trained really hard. My weight falls to about 190 and I end up in the hospital in April because I kept getting really bad headaches. Oh, and I passed out a bunch of times. I kind of kept that to myself until I passed out in the middle of practice.
Summer 2006-Spring 2007: I resolve to eat again. I don't work out much in the summer (due to internships/stupid job at McDonalds) and put some weight back on. When I get back to school, I train and eat in a much more sane matter. Weight stays at 200-205, which is what I think is my ideal weight.
Fall 2007-Last Month: A few nagging injuries plus having no time between coaching, working, taking classes and having a girlfriend ends any exercising I was doing. I move back home and eat more than I should, plus Sam and I eat out a lot. I gain a horrific amount of weight really quickly, teetering on 250 at points.
Now: Finally less busy, starting to exercise and eat better. Trying to will an uncooperative body back into shape. Sore all the time. Weight down to 235.
Well, that was boring. But the point is: if you are in shape, for the love of god keep exercising/not ordering sweet tea.