The first time I read
this, a goofy story about a town becoming a "no-cuss" zone, I was slightly amused. It was just a weird little story about some nerdy teenager who decided swearing was a naughty thing and somehow got his town to make swearing "illegal." (Though I'm not actually sure what, if any, punishment there is for breaking this "law.")
Seriously, though, the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. You see, I've never understood the problem with "swearing." Who decided that "fuck" and "damn" were bad and "crap" and "darn" were okay? Does it really matter? It's not like we haven't heard "swear" words before. So why do people get so bent out of shape?
Frankly, I don't need some geeky-looking 14-year old and his even goofier-looking father trying to dictate language useage to me. Of all the things wrong with this world, "swearing" ranks as about the 3,000,000th biggest problem.