Top Moments, and more...

Jul 20, 2005 11:29

Look, a public entry! Yay!

So when I was actively updating this journal, I always thought: "No one leaves comments. I have no friends. Etc.." But then, I looked at my archive, and during the summer of 2004, when I was actively updating, I got lots and lots of comments. Its awesome. Thanks everyone. You are just wonderful.
I do this a lot, so I'll do it again. Geez, I must really like you. Over my post adolescent life, the following people have made a big impact on my life, (in a good way), so thanks:
Molly - Do I really need to explain? :-*
Alli - Its pretty deep, so I wont explain here.
Matt - Always a great friend, you stick out above the rest.
Shad, Daniel, Jeremy, Spencer - My main high school group. You guys were a blast.
Mauricio - We've done a lot of stuff and etc, so I think you should be included in this.
To everyone else: You still touched me in some way, after all, you are my friends, and thats what friends do. So thanks.

Thanks again.


The Top 3 LJ Moments:




Total comments: 663 2azbeachbabe05
65 3im_woohoo
63 4stepharonie
52 5matt60119
52 6coopshouse15
32 7it123
25 8crazykiltman
24 9ddryuni
22 10wowitsac0w
21 11perulovesyou
20 12xloveisdeadx
16 13nerdyaudrey
12 14kirkjames
9 15tiffmister
9 16swhitake05
3 18sugar_happy
2 19oboe_sama
1 20kiwi_flavoring
1 21pasivagresivkid
1 22fork___spoon
1 23whatamessjes
1 These statistics were generated using LJ Stats. Original idea from scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard.

And the winner for the "Commented the Most Award" is: Alli
Prize: Undetermined...

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