I don't know why but I seem to interested in Sarah Palin lately. Not that I wanted her as VP, because I didn't and she isn't, but there's something entertaining about her - and when it she shouldn't be. Probably because Tina Fey and Sarah Palin had gone hand in hand for a little bit and I have been enjoying Tina Fey lately.
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ps: I got a new job last week. My previous new job was having some major problems money wise and with the economic crap happening, it made things worse. Then the owner was scamming us out of Health Insurance money when he's been bouncing checks and asking people to wait a few days to cash them. Anywho, I had a choice to leave and I took. I started my new job this past Friday at a day-care/preschool. I don't know how long I'll be able to hang in, but at least I have Wednesdays and work ten hours each of the other days.