you will never see the stars if your always looking down..

Oct 08, 2004 21:41

hmm so thursday i dont remember anything exciting happening. field hockey was cancelled..but i wasnt informed of this information so i ended up staying after for no reason which totally sucked but i ended up hanging out and walking around with chris the whole time and i actually enjoyed myself. haha chris good timess.

today was a really good day. i was dreading it, but it turned out not too bad. i was soo hyper during lunch, it was crazy. i dont even remember the last time i felt that amazing. it really was great. even if everyone thought i was on drugs haha.

so today i also learned a lot. its amazing how just talking to someone that actually understands can make you realize soo many things. i have realized that things have changed so much in the last two years, that i should be happy..i mean, i am happy. sure im stressed out, and sure a lot of things havnt gone my way latly but everything happens for a reason..and after i suffer threw all this hell, im going to come out happy and going to learn a good lesson because i have before. i mean, i have learned so much about myself and other people the last few years just from the bad things that have happened. people arnt going to be nice to you, your not going to be the best at everything..and lifes going to suck sometimes. your going to feel like giving up..but you just cant. you only get one chance to live life. you only get one chance at being a teenager. and i dont know about you guys, but i wouldnt want to remember my teen years being miserable. the past few years, especially this summer and the past month..i have seriously felt like dieing..things have gotten so low that i just felt like i couldnt do it anymore..but now im matter what i do, theres always going to be something holding me back from being happy. so what i have to do is accept what is holding me back and just move on and live life. i dont think i was ever really living life. i was never enjoying myself..or i guess i wasnt allowing myself to have fun because i knew one night of fun would lead to another night of horror. i kind of started to expect something bad to happen and i wouldnt blame myself for thinking that, because a lot of crappy stuff did happen but i just need to get over it. this is the life i was given, and i gaining that hope back that things will get better. in some ways, things are already getting better because i know things will never ever be perfect. i need to stop letting people control my life and bring me down. and most of all, i need to stop bringing myself down. things happen, things change..but the world isnt stoping for nobody. so i will end this long entry with a quote that everyone should live by "Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

i hope i didnt say to much, and i hope everyone can respect my opinions. leave some comments if you wish, they make me happy..update soon..cheers everyone.. to life.
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