Jun 03, 2004 15:28
So far Quebec has been a really awesome place. I have met lots of cool people and learned about myself in ways you really can't unless you are alone. Sometimes I get lonely and feel like all I really need is a hug from Matt or one of my girls, but most of the time I'm doing pretty well. That's probably mainly due to the fact that I know there is an end to this and I haven't been gone all that long, but for someone like me it is a huge step to go away alone. I have seen all of the sites and done lots of crazy french activities, like eating frozen maple syrup off a stick, to finish it off this weekend I am going to go to a popular gay bar...should be interessting, at least I won't have to deal with the overagressive french men there. Classes are long during the day on average four hours in the morning...by the end of the day I'm beat. It's so weird not having a tv I am always doing something here...I long for the day I get to laze in front of the tv and do absolutely nothing...