it breathes

May 27, 2009 23:41

>>> word the
created word: the

>>> word a
created word: a

>>> {the, a}
Created group: {the, a}

>>> word dog
created word: dog

>>> word cat
created word: cat

>>> word squirrel
created word: squirrel

>>> {dog, cat, squirrel}
Created group: {dog, cat, squirrel}

>>> word runs
created word: runs

>>> word eats
created word: eats

>>> {runs, eats}
Created group: {runs, eats}

>>> q = sentence the dog runs

>>> generalize(q)
the dog runs
the dog eats
the cat runs
the cat eats
the squirrel runs
the squirrel eats
a dog runs
a dog eats
a cat runs
a cat eats
a squirrel runsa squirrel eats 
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