Name: Bruiser
Character Name: Big Bad Wolf (Bigsby)
Character Journal:
Bigsby_WolfCharacter Fandom (unless original): Little Red Riding Hood
Character Information:
Bigsby is a fairy tale. He lives as long as his story is told and his youthful appearence depends greatly on how well his story circulates. So he goes from child to adult to elderly just like any man. Only Big could go back and forth between the ages every hundred years or so. For the time period the French were telling his story quite often with the rest of Europe starting variations on it. But it hasn't spread around the world very much. So Bigsby has the appearance of a young man. About 20.
He's a wanderer. Like his story he travels by mouth to ear. Only you see him on two legs like anyone. Big goes wherever his story is told but never beyond that. If he tries he sort of fades. Unless he's on french soil or very near it Bigsby can't turn into a wolf. He's just to far from his homeland to be that strong. Out at sea he's not any stronger, faster, or furry then the average guy. His sense of smell is very good but it's only because he appreciates it more and pays close attention.
He speaks with a french country accent. The slow kind of roll in the small southern towns of the country. Big likes to use big words he's picked up and act smooth. But he's a conman. He also dresses in clothes stolen off men he's mugged. Expensive silks like a dandy. Big doesn't know how to wear them well so he comes away with a mixture that looks terrible in any time line. Bohemian dandy if there could be such a thing. He takes cues on the correct way to act from those around him but does it badly. Always seeming greasy or untrustworthy. And he is. Big would trade his own mother for a peach if he had one.
There's things he lives for. Loves as much as his little black heart can love. Those things are food and children. One in the same to him. He'll eat anything he can as long as it's easy to catch and smaller then he is. Big is a coward when you get down to it. His victims are young and naive for a reason. And his appetite is emence. Big is always hungry. And always tempted. He tries not to get caught but sometimes will loose control and eat someone when he can;t get out of town fast enough. Then come the pitchforks and sometimes the axe. And off with his head. Big comes back though. Long as his story is told Big comes back.
There is also the aforementioned pre-threading--you give us a bit of backstory on your character, which can be anything from ‘My character sets out to become a pirate because his dad was a pirate and his granddad was a pirate and so and so forth’ to ‘My upper-crust Frenchwoman is traveling to Barbados to marry a man she’s never met’. In the first case, we’d run through your character getting word of The Hellequin, and in the second we’d go through a day at sea with light conversation with your character’s chaperone- or possibly something more exciting in either case. This is done so that you can get a feel for the game and see if it suits you, and if it doesn’t it can be removed without damaging any IC continuity. We'll be happy to help you come up with a setting, too, if you need some ideas!