My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulbigrubrduckie13 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a Cowboy.
autonaut gives you 10 purple chocolate-flavoured pieces of taffy. "is it because im a Cowboy?"
boondocksaint86 gives you 12 white blueberry-flavoured nuggets. "Hell yeah you do!!"
chachacherry6 tricks you! You lose 10 pieces of candy! "Not Cool!!"
fallingparadise gives you 16 red-orange raspberry-flavoured wafers. "Yay!!"
jdcocacola tricks you! You lose 20 pieces of candy! "You Suck James!!!"
liger_arod tricks you! You get a broken balloon. "I don't want your used condoms A-Rod!! thats disgusting!!!"
rustypixie8808 tricks you! You get a dead frog. "Haha I guess i desirved that cuz i gave it to you first, hehe"
spikes47 tricks you! You get a rock. "Uh, ok? i hate you bobby!"
xxtriplestarxx tricks you! You get a piece of paper. "Yay! i always wanted a piece of paper, jen your the best!!"
yosoyelcheso tricks you! You get a clothespin. "WHY?!?!?! did i really need the clothespin, anything but the clothespin!!!"bigrubrduckie13 ends up with 10 billion pieces of candy, a broken balloon (condom), a dead frog, a rock, a piece of paper, and a clothespin.Another fun meme brought to you by