(no subject)

Apr 18, 2006 03:01

ok...so its 3:07 A.M....im up...and i like it...a friend of mine...the lovely julez, recently advised me that i should watch a lil movie called "Empire Records" Its a lovely tale, kinda got a breakfast club feel to it, but i liked it better. It was pretty damn sweet. I dunno, maybe I laughed cause I started watchin it at 1:30...but it was good, made me feel good. today was good. I woke up at two...well rested...went to the bagle store and got 2...yes 2...B.E.&C.(bacon egge and chees for all u not knowing) and a snapple lime green tea. i ate them. so good. An hour latr i went to the matawan dmv to get my new permit. i got a mountain dew while waiting. so i finally get to the lady who checks ur documents after about an hour...and she says she cant give me the permit cause the matawan branch doesnt take care of that. im pissed, but i listen to some rap about black guys and hos. i tell my dad when im highly succesful lawyer im gunna sue the lady in there for wasting my time and he says "son, by doing that u will simply waste your own time, no judge will give u the time of day" i reply "o but father...what u dont know is that i will be in bed with that judge, yes father i will be giving the judge my sweet sex and thier is no way i will loose that case" he chuckled.so i went to the freehold dmv where i got my permit. this was this very beautigul/hot russian/jewish looking girl. i gave her the old "head bounce up" u know when you bounce ur head up as if saying "hey, whats up?" she smiled. i was happy. So, I got a new permit (put my last 1 in the wash 4 all u's not in the know) and drove home succesfully from freehold. it was exilerating. i found that when im behind thw wheel i act as if i was dave chappel, callin everyone bitch and speaking in ebonics, to be honest...quite funny. then i went to the supermarket where the guy in the bakery was being yelled at my his ex girlfriends sister: i quote "Fuck you! you dirty fuckin peice of fuckin shit! fuck you. dont you ever fuckin touch my fuckin sister ever again you fuckin fuck!"and when i mean yelling i mean like at the top of her lungs so the whole store can here. I see this going on as I walk to the bakery to get my free cookie sample. i pick up the sugar cookie with m&ms and proceed to walk down the eisle. i then think to myslef...ahh what the heck. and i sit down in a peice of lawn furniture for sale to watch this guy get yelled at. then...she punched him...right in the face. he chuckled...i chuckled...alot more then he did, then he called security. to this i thought to myself "wow...i didnt know supermarkets had security!" if so i prob wouldnt have stole the magazine two days prior. i later ran into my father in the poultry section. he said "was was all that about?" i said "who fuckin knows?" he got mad cause i said the "f" word. its such a large part of my vocabulary at this point. i then proceeded to buy two wonderful drinks. a watermelon gatorade and a sobe oolong tea, both of which went in the freezer once i got home. upon my arrival at my domicile i chekced my e-mail, then proceeded outside for a game of basketball. we play on a 7 foot net. i dunked on a 8th grader and was proud... i know...but not gunna lie...it felt awesome. then i played some baseball style catch with my bro. i went upstairs and took the tea out of the freezer. it was delicious, so refreshing, i plan on buying another 2morro. then i ate dinner. i grabbed the g-rade to ogo with dinner. ahh, just how i had planned, it was half frozen, and im sure many of you dont know this...but if u put a g-rade in the freezer, and take it out at exactly the right time. u have an outstanding slurpie. perfect balance of ice and juice. it was simply marvelous. post dinner i watched sumthing called "the viking" its a show taped in japan where these people go through a marine obsticle cource. they were crazy. almost know one did it and if u messed up...u got hurt...fell of the cource and into a shallow lake of some sorts. mildly entertaining. watched an old episode of boy meets world that i had taped the night beofre...i love that show. then watched the end of tootsie. then watched "empire records" then i went to the bathroom, latr came into my bedroom and began writing this. that was 42 minutes ago...my brother is asleep beside me so i have to hit the keys very lightly as not to wake him. i will probably just go get a drink, then retire to my bed. but i want to say this. i dont know if you've read this whole thing...i dont know if uve read any of it. i dont know if uve enjoyed reading it, but my god ive enjoyed writing it. its been lovely. a true moment of clarity reminicent of jerry maguire when hes writing his mission statement. thanks for reading, ive enjoyed sharing, and have a nice night.
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