Dec 15, 2003 15:41
Ok I been out of the loop for some time I apologize. I find myself wasting my time away with school work involved. I don't know about this thing called school. I think I am going to try and stick it out. I find myself questioning it alot, and what can I get from it. What do I want to be? Is there any hope for me? Oh well enough with my thoughts.
It has arrived the week I dread every semester I go to Purdue. Finals Week! I mean there is always that one class I fear. I fear about that F. I think I can pull through this one ok though. I need to start bearing down on my studying. I know I can do it. I know I can stay up here. But for now I got this pressure of my chest by writing this.
Right now I would like to apologize to everyone if I have said something or done something to upset you this semester. I do some stupid and crazy things when... lets just say when I am not in reality. Just wanted to do that for everyone. If I haven't done anything to you, just wait becasue one day I will and it will be bad.
Thats about it for right now. Back to studying. I will give a update after this week to infrom you how I have done. Oh and sorry about not putting up a Windsor update. I pretty much forgot about everything exceot Jason's. OMG JASON'S. If you are a guy and you go to Windsor... GO TO JASON'S. I order you to go. Oh and don't wear ripped pants, wear nice clothes this is a Gentlemen's Club..