Compassionate Conservative? More Like Authoritarian Socialist!

Oct 14, 2008 21:26

Today the government announced plans to buy ownership stock in the 9 largest banks in the United States.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

Norman Thomas was almost right. It's happened over the last eight years under the flag of "Compassionate Conservatism." Capitalism isn't dying on it's own. It's very rapidly being snuffed out by President Bush, Henry Paulson and EVERY SINGLE JACK ASS IN CONGRESS WHO DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT THE POWER TO SPEND 700 BILLION DOLLARS IN ANY MANNER OF WILLY AND NILLY FASHION IT PLEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you know anything about the fall of the Weimar Republic, that knowledge will become VERY pertinent over the next few months.
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