Feb 04, 2007 20:50
Last week it was that stupid fucking sinus headache shit, then I was fine for like 2 days until my lung decided, "oh hey, I'm gonna hurt everytime you breathe in!" And now that that is starting to go away, my throat hurts like a bitch everytime I swallow. Anything. Water, food, saliva, anything. I seriously hate my body soo much right now. They need to come up with some sort of exchange system where if your body starts breaking down you can just go get it changed out for a brand new one; but you would only be able to do that once, we don't need people living forever and shit. Every year in late January or early Fabruary I come down with something and it's hell on earth. This time I've come down with three things so it's hell three fold.
I'm calling Dr. Fisher on Monday.