It's no secret that I love Rock Band (the videogame). The party element of being able to get 4 friends in a room to play drums, bass, guitar, and sing, changing places and trying different instruments, working with each other when someone is having trouble with a certain section, online battles with other people and downloadable music from the 60s through modern day tracks, metal to classic rock, pop to alternative, and gameplay that really teaches you as you go along. The better you get at playing on easy mode, the easier medium becomes, and so on (I'm working my way on hard right now, and it's work!) Plus, my understanding is playing the fake drums actually prepares you to do the real thing. Frankly, as dorky as it sounds to fake-play a piece of plastic, it really touches my inner rock star.
And yesterday, Harmonix (the makers of the game) announced
full downloadable ALBUMS. And even better, the first three announced are 1) a big gay metal album, 2) a seriously fun party album (two months ago, Fred and I were talking about how cool it would be if any one of the tracks off the first Cars album would be released as playable content, and now the whole album is being released?), and 3) one of the best albums from the 1980s being released? I cannot wait to sing "Monkey Gone To Heaven".
I cannot believe how much I love this game.