Jan 18, 2006 00:03
have you ever been in a spot where u think that nobody really wants you around, well i dont feel that way. i feel as if it is getting there though like i have worn out my welcome o well thats life one sec ur on top of the mountain the next sec u want to jump off it. lifes a bitch. i got to get J O B i feel as if i were a bumb with no life. want to know y i feel like i have no life. because everything cause money and i have one dollar in my pocket thats it. now what in earth can i do with just one dollar?? go to bp and buy four little debbies. now i have to go to weight lifting after school because i feel as if i am getting weak. well i just found out some great new i am going to IL for a weekend to go see all of my friends. man i miss those people, phil, lauren, kristin, doug, darsy book(omg),jessica brok(omg)i miss them all the day we left we 37 girls in our front yard crying and like 3 guys lol it was funny as all hell. the last thing i did in that house befor i left was play hakie sac with my best friend. i didn't cry because we were moving untill i saw my favorite spot in that whole state(old man funks yard ) i spent hours in that yard snowmobiling throwing a football to a old man who just lost his daughter to cancer. if i go down there i have to stop by and say hi. man i miss that place welll i got to go to bed befor i really get sad that i moved up there but that would be just rong because i have met some great peolpe: michelle bridget bri jeff goof shawn jack jake brittany julie amy and many more
well peace out
thats about it