Dec 15, 2003 14:59
Hey to all. This will be Slick Rick's final entry for the semester. Just wanted to say how great our first semester at collge was. Rankins and I drank enough booze to get half of New England drunk, and I managed to throw up almost every single weekend. We stole a giagantic sign and turned into our beiruit table, if you ever play on it you get to autograph it....the tables always open....We've met all kinds of new people including, but not limited to; jocks, geeks, stoners, sluts, assholes, teachers just waiting to put a bullet in your head, teachers who were actually pretty chill, weirdos, skaters, etc. I discovered an ill band named Dispatch, im sure you all know them already though. We had anexcellent time here in Plymouth. Im sure next semester will be even better, though im almost positive that our GPAs will fall faster than a Russian Satellite. So everybody remember, dont drink and drive over break, that will only get you in trouble, trust me. Stay chill, be safe, and party hardy. Im out, see ya all in February!
Slick Rick