Feb 27, 2006 10:50
Okay, so here's my life recently. Friday morning, I woke up in anticipation of finding my RA approval letter in my mailbox. I was one of the few that got a 2nd interview and Tim, the RD, was telling me how I could help the team. I thought I was golden. I wasn't. I got the same generic "no" letter as everyone else. Shocking to me, but God was in all of it. Tim wants to talk to me, I suppose he is going to tell me why I wasn't chosen, but I already know. I don't know their reason, but I know God's reason. I let my pride get in the way. I wanted to be selected for RA for me, not Him. I did pray about it and I do want to serve Him, but I kept thinking about people thinking highly of me, as if I did anything in my life on my own that is worthy of praise or congratulations. It's all about the Lord. So this has been a humbling and learning experience. I do feel bad though, because if my pride hadn't got in the way, then God could have used me in that scenario, oh well. I'll see what Tim says, but it doesn't make a difference, God has got a different plan for me. Hopefully this means more time for things that are closer to my heart like children and music. So that is that. And then this weekend Tina and I spent a lot of time together, which was cool. I am realizing more and more what a blessing that woman is in my life. And then I did some studying too, of course. Okay so that is my life. Not always easy, but always good through God. Okay, PEACE.