Jan 21, 2006 18:19
The car passed me by and drove slowly up the road. At the gate it stopped, blocking the only way in, and out. Spot lights shone through the trees, creating shadows on the ground all around me. The cars occupants got out and started looking for us. They were walking up and down the road, almost pacing it. I just laid there, frozen, trying to control my breathing and stay hidden. I remembered how it all began, how I just wanted to see it one more time.
At 10:00p Steve called me up. He wanted to know if I was down for a trip into Rocky Point (spur of the moment). I was. I hadn't been in there for a good 2 years and heard they were going to start tearing it down soon.
By the time we made our plan and got to the park it was about 11:00. We shimmeyed through the gate with out any problems, that was the only part of the night that went as planned. We crept down the road quietly and swiftly heading towards the large arch, takin it all in. We made it to that corner when we heard a weird noise behind us. We stopped, turned around, and investigated our surroundings. Steve turnd his flash light on as I happened to glance back in the direction we had been heading. I saw a dull glow come on. For a milisecond I was happy, I thought maybe it was an old park light, that had randomly turned on, but I knew that was impossible. I told Steve to turn around...and we both knew instantly, it was a car. SECURITY ON THE INSIDE! I yelled "run, run,RUN" But Steve was already off. We sprinted for the main gate, but only made it half-way. Steve yelled "woods," and jumped in. I ran a little further, turned around and saw the car fast approaching, its lights reflecting off my shoes, I litterally dove into the forest. The undergrowth was thick and made up of mostly prickers and branches, jetting out sharply from every imaginable angle.
I slid down an embankment and behind 2 trees, next to a log. I couldn't have planned on a more perfect spot (looking back on it). But I could still see the road, which meant there was a chance that anyone on the road could see me.
I kept thinking about what I should do, 1.I could give up (never), 2.I could sneak through the woods into the park, and make a run for the generator gate, or 3.I could spend the night and walk out the main gate in the morning when I was sure no one was around. I decided upon option 3.
I didn't know where Steve was, or if he had goten caught. I kept trying to get in touch with him but his phone went straight to voice mail. He either had no reception or his phone was turned off.
Later on I found out that he had forgotten his phone in his car. That when we first went ino the woods he hadn't gotten a good hiding spot, and, of course, it was too risky to move around enough to find a new spot. He decided, about 45 minutes into this last hurrah, as the guards were making passes, that it was better to run and try to escape, than get caught hiding.
As soon as the coast was clear and it had quieted down he made a run for it, he fled the woods, crossed the street, and dove into the swampy area on the other side, running for as long as he could, eventually coming to a fence and following it passed the old train tracks. After he got to the parking lot, he found a good place to get out where the fence was semi-collapsed. He threw his jacket over the barebed wire and hopped it. He rocketed to his car and waited a while, hoping I'd arive, before heading to my house.
Meanwhile, I'm freezing cold, still hiding in the woods. I never saw the security car go back into the park, and knew the chances were that it was still waiting at the gate. If I were a security guard in a place like R.P. and got some action, I wouldn't give up until my shift ended. Would you rather sit in your car, bored all night?
As the night started dragging on I called John Riccio, to tell him what happened, and I called Tim to try to get him to pick me up at the gate if I could escape, or to at least tell me what/who was waiting for me. It figures, Jim had to be out of the state this night. But no one could, or wanted, to get involved.
I sat there in my spot watching the moon on my left, gently float across the sky. I kept looking up, at the stars and just thinking about what the hell was going on and trying to kep warm. I also thought about the job of the security guards, where were they, why was everything so quiet...I'd be good at this security guard job, better then the guys who were looing for me were.
When I finally got through to Steve, he was on his way to my house, thinking I'd some how make it back. He turned around right away when I said I was still hiding in the woods, and got back quickly. He called me when he got to the gate, there was no one waiting, so I crawled out of the woods and ran to to the gate, to Steves headlights, to freedom. I jumped in his car and we took off. The security apparently left. Just opened the gate drove out and re-locked it. So weird...
When I finally got home it was almost 2am and I was exhausted, aching and feeling sick, wondering if I'd wake up in time for the car show at 7am. I didn't.