May 08, 2006 09:27
Well considering I haven't updated in a month I think I a bit over due. But later is better than never. Anyway this weekend was amazing. Why you may ask? ACEN 2006!!!! Anime all day every day for nearly 3 days. Mixed in with A smash brothers tournament.... it was great to hang out with a large group of friends at something that we all like. I got to expend a lot of energy that I had stored up and I am exhausted today. Also as something noteable but not really a key point, I didn't see Leeann while there. Apparently everyone else did but I didn't. All that worry about something that never happened. It was kind of a big let down but I felt better for it afterwards.
The highlight of the whole thing had to be the Smash Brothers Tournamnet that I entered in. The rules were extremely unclear at the begining so all of the 250 entries had no idea who was even going to the second round. My first round consisted of me utterly destroying 3 other people in a 2 minute KO fest. My second round ended in me nearly sweeping a kid in a 7 min 4 stock match. I lost in the 3rd round but then found out it was double elimination. So I was able to go on and won my next two matches although they were extremely close. This put me in 4th seat in the entire tournament at this point. I then faced someone who had clearly mastered the game. I didn't stand a chance against this kid. Everything I did he countered and was ready for. I was humbled by him considering he nearly had two full lives after we were done. I have never been beaten so badly in all the years I have played the game :P. So I ended up in 4th place... not bad for a guy who hasn't played the game in a year and a half hehe.
In other news! I am living in chicago soon! Myself, Annie, and Ed agreed on the apartment and were called this weekend about living there and we agreed on it. ITS A LAKE VEIW!!! So I am really pumped about what happened this weekend. Only good things and nothing bad happened to me.
The odd thing about this weekend was that I even spent some time thinking about some things that weren't exactly nessicary. Mainly about how I am so gaurded against having fun in large groups and how I got that way. The thing that made me notice it was while standing alone in the back of the Rave that was going on I didn't feel awkward being in the room. I liked it but at the same time I wasn't doing anything which made me feel weird knowning that I could be on the dance floor having fun with no inhibitions. But at the same time I knew I didn't have to to be content. I guess I just felt a bit odd seeing a whole bunch of people with no inhibitions dancing while "old man" me sat in the back and just watched like a creep.
After my fun on Friday and Saturday I had to help my sister move out of college on Sunday so I spent nearly all of Sunday driving. It was a good time. I love driving its very relaxing especially if someone else is in the car and you are having a good conversation. So all and all this weekend gets a 9 out of 10 the only slight downer was all the effort and worry I put into locating LeeAnn if she did come up to me and talk. I didn't want to be unprepared and have nothing to say. Ask Ed... I was in a constant state of "watching my back" except when playing smash brothers when I diverted my full attention to the game.