It's good to complain ...

Aug 07, 2008 16:50

As previously whinged about on my LJ, I had an ISA transfer that went a bit wrong through no fault of my own. Having lodged a complaint 3 weeks ago, I decided to chase it today.

They originally suggests that as the ISA transfer has now completed, then that was it! Pah ... I wanted something to compensate me for the delay (30 day process took nearly 90 days) and for loss of interest.

So, lost interest is added (about £7 ... woo!) and then she said, "how about I send you a cheque for £30 to compensate?". To which I said, "well, it was quite a stressful situation ... " and then she said "well, I can up it to £50 ?". DEAL! :D

Free money is always useful. So yes, it pays to complain ...

money, rants

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