
Sep 04, 2007 22:32

Is anyone else watching this programme on Channel 4 ?

This programme is really eye-opening ... as a society, we are INCREDIBLY wasteful. The stats in this show are quite astonishing ... e.g. we throw away 1000 mobile phones every half an hour!

I try to do as much recycling as possible and I shan't stop doing that ... in fact, I want to do more, but it just seems that everything is against me! There is so much stuff that I could recycle but the facilities just aren't available or economically viable ... plastics, for example, is not economic, because there are just so many different types and there's no easy way to split them out! :(

The programme is also highlighting that much of society is completely apathetic about this problem ... too lazy to actually do anything to help the problem. I find this quite depressing and frustrating! There was a guy on the programme that wears a brand new pair of pants and socks EVERY DAY and at the end of the day, just throws them in bin! WTF?!

I really wish the Government would do something to help this ... there are many things they could do :

1. Incentivise recycling (much better than penalising people for throwing stuff away)

2. Create legislation to standardise packaging in order to make it easier to recycle.

e.g. all plastic milk cartons are made of the same material and yet shampoo bottles can be made from a myriad of plastics, thus making it hard to recycle due to the need for sorting.

3. Make it the responsibility of the seller to provide recycling facilities for everything that they sell ... either that, or all shops contribute, via some kind of tax, to local recycling facilities

etc etc

I doubt this will go anywhere ... at least, not until more of society realises the problem here and feels the need to do something about it. *sigh*


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