(no subject)

Sep 16, 2006 17:12

Just uploaded my pics from my camera onto the PC and I thought I'd share a couple of experiences with you ... Montreux and Centimeter.

First up ... Montreux. In this part of the trip, my best mate from Uni, Kristian, joined us. We took the train over and had a great day, achieving some long held aims and ambitions!

Two pics of us with the statue

This is me and Kristian outside the door to the Mountain Studios ... the actual studio in this place doesn't exist any more, it's now a Casino, but this door used to be the entrance ( don't know where it goes now?! ). This studio was owned by Queen and it's where they recorded many of their songs! As you can see, the fans of the many artists (not just Queen) who'd recorded there still pay tribute in the form of grafitti. We didn't add any I hasten to add!

And finally, a view over Lake Geneva with the Freddie Statue in the foreground. We now have a photo like this as our desktop!

And now, we move onto Centimeter. This is a restaurant in Vienna (or rather a chain, as there are now 7) where you can order food and drink by the centimeter, hence the name. One of the fabled dishes which you can get is a "Wheelbarrow of Garbage" where the food all comes in an actual Wheelbarrow! :o Now, this is really meant for about 4 people, but we *had* to experience this, and for 26 Euros, we had to get one!

This was what we thought when it arrived ...

And this is how we felt after about an hour of trying to eat it all ... (we failed)

hehe ... quite an experience though. The waiter even offered to wrap up the left overs so we could take them home. At that stage, that was the last thing we wanted!! :D

nance, holidays, friends, queen

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