Dec 15, 2001 23:25
wow i'm fuckin bored as christ.. seems to be the only time i write in this thing.. so yea, i aint got much to say tho, but i'll try and think of some interesting topic, well.. i cant think of anything so i suppose i'll add myself to the list of people complaining about their lives, my life is very very boring... thats pretty much my only complaint, and i dont think there is anything that would make it not boring.. i mean i've got a great girlfriend, great friends, spend a good part of my day baked, dont do homework and could pretty much be doing anything i want, but there just isnt anything to do.. its so sad, the boring life we live, u're born, get shipped off to school before u even know whats going on, get useless information burned into ur brain for about 20 years, then find some job till ur life is over, why is life always spent in preparation for the future.. parents prepare u for school, school prepares u for college, college prepares u for the "real world".. and u see what i mean, i guess thats human nature maybe,we cant just sit there and enjoy life as it happens.. i guess all the preparation is to keep us focused on the little unimportant things like grades, careers, money, whatever, so we live out our lives concerning ourselves with everything we've been brought up to worry about.....none of which really matters.. i dunno, whoever came up with this whole idea of life is pretty fucked.. making up something that has absolutely no point to it, just an endless cycle.. for no reason at all, so we'll just keep chillin here till the sun burns out or whatever the fuck, and be done with it i guess...keep in mind i've been listening to pink floyd and jimi for about an hour, haha, so yea, i suppose i'm about done now, peace