Jan 11, 2005 09:35
Well, its almost bedtime. Or at least its almost time to go crash and throw on a movie that will keep me up entirely too late. Especially since I have to get up at 5:30. I guess thats what they make coffee for though, right? I wasn’t going to post tonight but I didn’t want to fall down on the new years resolution only one day in. Plus I just felt like rambling a bit.
I saw a commercial last ngiht for Modest Mouse’s new album Good News for People Who Love Bad News. The commercial showed off all the praise they have gotten for their latest effort. I have to admit I have this album, and I like it. In fact I think its in My top five for the year.
Sadly though neither my wife nor I have listened to the new Eminem album we got for Christmas. And really its only sad ecause we both really dig Eminem. Every album to this point was better than the last and and last yaers release The Eminem Show showed real growth and i felt like he used his voice to talk abou tsome real things. This time though, when the first single came out it just felt like a step back. I guess I just haven’t been hyped up enough since the single to listne to the rest, and i guess I should find time soon.
I love my new IPOD, it is my freind. And let me just go on record her to say that Apple and the iPod are so far ahead in the mp3 player field its almost sad.
GO SEE THE LIFE AQUATIC RIGHT NOW. I love this movie, and most people who aren't me won't. Its wired and off-beat and strange and all the things I think are wonderful. And even more wonderful it, much like this post, seems to ramble at times. Brilliant.
Well enough for now. Maybe if sleep isn't my freind I'll post a full movie review, probably not.