May 11, 2008 13:22
So on Tuesday of last week I was at my parents house in the garage and I step on a vertical nail that drove its self in to the heel on my foot, I figure it went in about an inch and defiantly hit the bone. Very painful experience I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. So I had to tell my landlord I'd be taking a rain check on finishing the garden due that I could use my foot to drive a shovel into the ground he says alright I understand that let me know when it's better and you can finish it.
So I'm relaxing playing some games today and his wife comes up and says Mike he's out there finishing the garden. Now most people would think cool I don't have to do it then. not so simple my landlord "supposedly" has a heart defect that will end up killing him if he does to much work. So I go outside and I'm like wtf are you doing I thought you said I could finish this when my foot was better and he starts yelling at me waiting for you is a never ending thing, so I look him in the face and say how the fuck do you expect ever to respect your heart condition when you can't even respect anyone else's own issues. He says go back in don't worry about it. Well I'm sorry I'm not about to let my landlord kill himself and be out of a place to live. So his wife starts and argument they run off and I finish the garden. Now My heel is blistering in pain, I reopened the wound which means I'm sure it'll be a longer wait to have it actually finish healing.
God I fucking hate impatient people. More so people who cry about there proeblms but have no concern for anyone else's.