truely broken

Jan 23, 2007 01:29

ive come to find out that what i thought i needed isnt right, yet again to late for things to be fixed. i hope hes happy not saying that in a mean way just mean it i want him to be happy even if its not with me. he deserves what we use to have. and if she can give it to him then im happy. today i was talking to amy and thinking about what i was going to do down the road. i thought after high school that i would go to michigan the more i think about it staying here is the best thing. plus me and amy are working things out so we can go to college in lousvill and then her mother and father are going to sale their house to me and her, so come on thnk about it we might really have things worked out. for the first time i can see what im going to be doing down the road. and im really happy about that i love that im not scared about going to college and what im going to do after. and that i have a good friend there to help me. i was talking to amy about zach to day about how before he was talking about moving down here and i told him not to, yet now i wish he would now i wish he would come live with me and we could work things out.....but yeah anyways...girly second there......i dont know what to do about the whole thing with zach. i dont know what i ahve to say or do to make him understand and it hard now cuz ive lied and hurt him more then i should have i hurt him and i know now why i did. but i would give anything to make it up to him. well i need to go to trying to call someone and them not wanting to talk to you...
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