this has just not been my week...

Jun 18, 2009 10:25

Monday, I had an ear infection. Thinking I could just quickly get antibiotics and make it to the second half of my lab, I went to the doctor's. No. I sat there until 1:00. I can't make up my lab, as it is the last one because of Memorial Day. I missed turning in lab, the lab quiz, and the lab Gram staining practical. All of which, I cannot make up.

Yesterday, I lost my keys. I locked everything in my car, so I couldn't leave for class without a wallet, my bookbag, my cell phone, and my homework. I finally found them at 2:30 in the trash. The second time I checked. They were under wet coffee grounds, so the keyless entry no longer works. Which I am still pressing today, and for a split second wondering why it doesn't work.

Then, today, I was almost run off the road. Deliberately. I was in the passing lane on eastbound I94 on my way to work, when a truck going like a bat out of hell starts tailgating me. I have my cruise control set on 72 because there are a crap-load of cops along this stretch of 94. At least, there usually are. Today, there are none to witness this guy following me 6 inches away from my bumper as I am going down the road. I decided not to speed up; if he was dying, he would have been in an ambulance. I couldn't get over because there was a car in the right lane that I was trying to pass. So tailgating white trash man decided to slow down a little and then speed up, varying from 18 to 6 inches away from my car. When I can finally get over, I do, and let my flag fly. I know that didn't make me the classiest person, but I was TOO PISSED to care. Then, he comes at me. He cuts me off, coming within inches of me, miming side swiping, then getting right in front of me and slamming on his brakes. I swerved to miss him (luckily the passing lane was open), and he swerved right in front of me again. Then he sped off, too fast for me to get his full license plate, his entire arm out the window, HIS flag flying. When I finally could pry my fingers off of the steering wheel, too pissed and rattled to remove them, I called 911 (about 10 minutes). The dispatcher said they'd keep an eye out, but she wasn't hopeful.

This incident is the turd frosting on the crap layer cake that has been my week.
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