(no subject)

Jun 25, 2010 23:01

06:45 Is it a bad thing when the green mouthwash you rinse with comes out of your mouth black? I'm, uh, asking for a friend... #

08:06 This is the anniversary of Custer's last stand. That day the Indians became National Champs. Helluva trophy. #

08:50 little known fact: Strawberry-banana yogurt and a large Americano go very well together. #thoughtyoushouldknow #

08:57 bit.ly/9YB9JZ Jokes made by Robots, For Robots #

10:38 Photo: Thanks for the heads up. I answered the phone, “Billy Bob’s Bait Shop”. tumblr.com/x9cc5i8lv #

11:48 RT @AndroidPower Win a free Motorola Droid from Verizon! bit.ly/FreeDroid #

14:18 i've been watching Doctor Who all day at work. as a result I have to be mindful not to adopt an accent while speaking aloud. #

14:31 it's amusing that i seem to lose at least one follower on every follow friday... #

14:45 Video: the iPhone 4 will bang your wife and go down on you. Check it. tumblr.com/x9cc5xks4 #

20:01 Uh oh... - I just started window shopping for bass guitars… tumblr.com/x9cc6fnvz #

20:35 Photo: SoundGear by Ibanez SG300M. tumblr.com/x9cc6hnmw #
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