(no subject)

Jun 21, 2010 23:02

07:49 i can't remember the last good night's sleep I had... #

08:38 Photo: tumblr.com/x9cbxsemz #

09:21 My favorite rain day related joke. - There was a homeless guy named Bob. One day he was wandering around the... tumblr.com/x9cbxuiwp #

09:26 i don't give a whole lot a damn today. #

10:24 Photo: tumblr.com/x9cbxxott #

13:14 this is one of those days where all I want to do is curl up into a ball and watch porn. #fuckmondays #

14:16 Overheard: Connor (age 4 tomorrow), rather matter-of-factly: Mommy. Amanda: Yes, Connor? Connor, still... tumblr.com/x9cbyari1 #

14:25 Photo: Maybe they should call it “Not-so-Niceville”? tumblr.com/x9cbyb93k #
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