23:29 @
maxochism I read this outloud in the bar. it killed
# 23:40 Photo: thedailywhat:
tumblr.com/x9cbqx2qi # 07:59 Five weeks til vacation, five weeks til vacation, five weeks til vacation...
# 10:09 Ok, that tree branch snuck up on me... #lawnboytweets
# 12:10 RT @Syfy I'm giving away this awesome Syfy light up mouse to someone who RTs this note by 5pm PT on 6/18
twitpic.com/1wsczx # 12:34 Just discovered tht the bss line I've been plying for the last week and a half isn't quite right. Shit
# 17:02 This just in: I have a hard time relating to "non bar people". Big shocker
# 18:49 We're gonna need a bigger boat...
tweetphoto.com/27902661 #Automatically shipped by