Feb 11, 2008 12:36
I go through too many phases where I basically just ignore my guitar. IT's horrible of me and it makes me ashamed and embarassed. So Saturday I started spending time with my tele again. And because the kids have violated the sanctity of my office and played with my amp and pedals, they actually tweaked the knobs to a spot where I actually like the sound so I leave it. I broke out some of my old song books and even asked the wife for a new song book for Valentine's Day. I played Saturday and last night and I plan on playing again today.
IN a related story, I found a nice medium body acoustic guitar with good tone and a rich sound that we're going to buy for Gabe and try to restart his guitar lessons again. When I first asked him about learning how to play again he wasn't too keen on it. Then I mentioned getting him his own guitar. His face lit up. I'm excited. And Amanda just told me that he was talking to her about it the other day. GOod deal.
We started working on Gabe's derby car for the upcoming Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. It took a bit of goading but I did get my dad to help some. The big help was a neighbor across the street had a motorized scroll saw with a thin blade which was excellent for cutting some curved edges. It made things so much damn easier. We need to sand it off and use the sand paper to shape some edges before we seal it up and paint it. We also need to weigh her down as well. And I have eight days to do that.
And next year we'll get to build two cars.