Feb 26, 2004 17:15
I know that the subject line of this entry makes no sence at all but that was the first thing I looked at as I sat down in front of my computer to do this.
I purchased a digital camera from Wal-Mart.com today. Well actually Erin did it but Im going to pay for it because Im trying to get rid of my credit cards! Its an HP photosmart 3.2mgpx camera. I thought that it was a nice pixel range for 160 dollars. It was 178 but Wal-Mart and their infinite wisdom have allowed its peons to use their measly 10% discount online as well as in their stores! yay! I cant wait to get it and start taking pictures of everything I see, and then post them on here to share with all y'all. Ha!
I often wonder why people dont like me? Do I come off harsh and abrasive? I didnt think so. I need your thoughts on this, let me know. I mean I know I can be a dink sometimes, but thats a givin with me. Let me know
I wanna share some numbers with you. The day after Thanksgiving Wal-Mart stores INC made 1.9 BILLION dollars. 3/4 of that number was made during the 6-11 sale time. Holy shit batman! oh, and Farmingtons Electronics department suffered a 3.64% loss of sales do to 'shrink' (theft and lost inventory) that percentage figered out to be around 88,000 dollars. 3.64% = 88,000? again holy shit batman.
Im out