Passion Burning

May 12, 2006 20:13

The Stars glow brightly
the night sky compared
nothing to your beauty
staring out the window of
an airplane, hoping
the landing will be as
joyous as the flight

A movement as I come to the exit door
you run to me as though we are caught
in a slow motion moment and that moment
to never end

Miles apart we sit staring, caring
and crying for the ones we love
as around us people die, we have to
lie to talk to speak to get a word
to one another that we are alive

Excuses after excuses, our world
becomes unimportant now as though
we are nothing but unfamiliar people
in a world together

How did you come to know me
did we meet in a moment of
lies or something unowrthy
of rememberance for i know
deep somewhere in the soul
i would remember meeting you

Can it be that we have never
parted, have we never seen
the light of day without one
another in presence to brighten a
gloomy day

Take away my darkness one last time
i beg of you for overcoming the life
we live the existence of love i have to
give depends upon it

Depend upon me as i have you
lend me your hand, your heart
your soul, and your beauty,

And to you i give you
my soul, my heart,
and beauty for nothing
but sadness will ever come of this
if not

Tonight as you smile
remember the miles
the roads that i shall travel
the sky with the many colors
that i will roam alone in search
of that one great home

A lifetime awaits us
are you ready for me
a beauty that overcomes you
shouldnt be taken by me
but yet you choose me over
those who matter more

I shall take advantage of
this holding u close
heat rising as though an
inferno burns away inside of you

Can you feel it, does the
heat burn upon you
does the feelings push their way
to your mouth and off the tip of
your tongue

Will the madness end in one swift motion
of the mouth or shall we be months away from
knowing how we truely feel

How shall we ever know an ending if we
never begin, so now can I bring you
the beginning and hope an ending is
no where in sight
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