Seeking and additional member to the three Musketeers...

Jun 24, 2005 12:32

Ya know I really enjoy hanging out with my normal friends who I usually hang out with, every time we hang out it seems that we learn some type of life lesson and at the same time have a really good time. Over the summer I just started to realize how much I've been staying at home, and of course I was like "what the hell" I spent more time out, during the school year. And I thought to myself, I said "self" and myself said "yes" I said "self what do I need to do different " and myself said "for one kill your sister" (jk)... (I babysit my lil sis during the day). But anyway I just think we the three Musketeers need another person to hang out with us.So here is the add.

The three musketeers are looking for a fourth member to make themselves the four horsemen.The person should preferrably not be an asshole and somewhat clean.Must know James Langley, Monte' J. Howell and Paul Gourdeau and be able to quote Dave Chapelle. The person cannot be an idiot unless it's funny.The person must share some interest with Mr.Howell and have atleast talked to one of the three.And just because Mr. Howell and Mr.Langley really like to say this, you cannot be a cock juggling thunder-cunt. This person can be a female(you just have to be able to keep your mouth closed about three musketeer stuff),and Courtney Holden does not count because she is an honorary member.

For those interested leave a comment with your name or call toll
free to: (678)-471-5565
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