Mar 25, 2004 18:15
GOD DAMN IT!!! im so fucking pissed off right now. I have the perfect oppurtunity to go to Ann Arbor tommorow night and see Kate, i could go and spend the night with her and we could see each other but it turns out that i cant because of her roommate. wtf? i cant see my g/f in her dorm room because of her roommate... she doesnt want me sleeping over so that means that i cannot see Kate because of that, this would be only the second time that i've seen her in 3 or so weeks and i wont be able to do so. that fucking pisses me off because her roommate wont let me sleep over on a friday night....guess what, this is college, people sleep together!! is that such a big fucking surprise? if your roommate and her sig other want some private time do you know what you do? YOU FUCKING LEAVE AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! its not that hard, people do it all the time out here, you just go to a friends room and crash for the night. but can i see my g/f and spend the night with her? NOOOOO. everyone else has had the oppurtunitys to do things like this but i cant. Its not just her roommates room, Its Kates room too, she should have a say in things and she should be able to have me over to spend the night. so because of this fucking thing, i cannot see Kate for only a second time in what is going to eventually stretch into a period of 5 or see weeks where i can only see my g/f 1 time...1 time for 5 hours when she was sick. I SHOULD be able to go and visit my g/f in her room and see her on the weekends, but can i? NO!!! AND I FUCKING HATE THIS!!!